Fitting exercise into a busy schedule
Emmy Samtani
Emmy Samtani
Emmy is the founder of Kiindred and mother to 3 little ones.
Over the last 4 years, she has worked with some of the most credible experts in the parenting space and is a keen contributor on all things parenthood.
Updated on Aug 07, 2024
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Does your life feel like a chaotic mess sometimes? Don’t worry, we feel the same way and usually there’s no time to fit in exercise as a busy mum. Kimmy Smith from the Fit Mummy Project has some pratical tips and ways you can find the time for you!
Does your life feel like a chaotic mess sometimes? Don’t worry, we feel the same way and usually there’s no time to fit in exercise as a busy mum. Kimmy Smith from the Fit Mummy Project has some pratical tips and ways you can find the time for you!
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Emmy Samtani
Follow +Emmy is the founder of Kiindred and mother to 3 little ones. Over the last 4 years, she has worked with some of the most credible experts in the parenting space and is a keen contributor on all things parenthood.