Labour & Birth


Congratulations on your pregnancy! This is the place to be for everything you need to know about carrying a little one  – from what to expect to how to make it as comfortable as possible.

Labour & Birth
The new patient care model preventing birth trauma
Giving birth is such a momentous experience for women. You spend nine months planning out in your head how it...
Labour & Birth
A love letter to midwives everywhere
When I first found out that I was pregnant and began considering my options for delivery, my instinct was to...
Labour & Birth
Your roadmap to a supported c-section recovery
In 2021, 38% of women in Australia gave birth through a caesarian birth, commonly referred to as a C-section...
Labour & Birth
The debrief on all things doula, from a real one
The 22nd of March signifies World Doula Day, a date that empowers doulas to support women and improve their...
Labour & Birth
Granny undies and maternity pads. The glamorous side to childbirth…
You’ve probably realised by now that childbirth is not as “pretty” or clean as the movies make it out...
Labour & Birth
How long after losing the mucus plug does labour start?
The term “mucus plug” is not the most appetising, but it’s one to get familiar with as you approach...
Labour & Birth
Is it go time?! Signs that labour is 24-48 hours away
As an expectant mother approaches their due date, every little sensation can be cause for excitement and...
Labour & Birth
What exactly will I learn in antenatal classes?
Hello there, mums and dads to be! How’s the view from up there? I mean, really, is it getting hard to...
Labour & Birth
Wondering if you’ll poop during labour? We’ve got the intel
What is it with poop and babies? I don’t remember ever discussing poop, bowel movements, or even the...