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3 steps to better listening & obedience

Stephanie Wicker

Stephanie Wicker

Child behaviour expert, parenting educator, counsellor and speaker. Stephanie Wicker has successfully guided families through early childhood for over over 15 years.
Created on Oct 15, 2023 · 1 min read

Children will stop listening and start acting out if their needs aren’t being met. These needs will generally include connection, empowerment and confidence. By focusing on these three keys areas, you will be surprised at the difference it can make to overall listening and obedience. Here is a quick guide on how you can support your child in these three areas.


Children like people that are like them and will easily become disconnected if they feel like they have nothing in common with you. This simply means that they require some intentional bonding time in order to feel connected.

If you haven’t taken any time today to genuinely connect with your child, they will be less likely to listen to you when the time comes.


When we deprive children of their independence, they will start to ‘kick up a fuss’ – this ‘fuss’ then becomes very empowering for them. Self-control and independence is the key to healthy brain development, so give your child ‘choices’ to help them feel empowered.


Allow your little one to develop confidence by exploring various avenues for them to get there on their own. If your child is confident in their own abilities, this will lead to better listening and overall obedience.

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