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The steps to introducing solids



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Created on Feb 05, 2024 · 2 mins read

There are many different ways that you may choose to introduce solids. Whether this is by introducing rice cereal, root vegetables or baby-led weaning – what is important, is to first establish that your little one is developmentally ready to start solids. This will be somewhere between the 4-6 month mark.

Once you are confident that it’s time, it is important to choose a method that is right for you. Starting your little one off on singular root vegetables in a smooth puree consistency is recommended, as this will ensure that they get their required nutritional intake, in combination with their milk feeds. You can discover your baby’s Daily Rhythm.

For those of you that are wanting to introduce your baby through baby-led weaning, you can do this providing again, that they are developmentally ready to do so.

Regardless of your chosen method, the idea is to initially introduce 1 new food every 2-3 days and then build up until you are offering combinations or flavours, additional meals and added herbs & spices.

First Foods

Some great first foods when starting out on solids include sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot, zucchini, pears, peaches and apple. For a simple, quick and effective way to prepare your vegetables, you can follow the method below.

  • Steam the vegetable or fruit with filtered water
  • Drain water from the pot/saucepan once steamed
  • Transfer the cooked vegetables back into the pot + puree until desired consistency
  • You can add boiled water, bone broth (from 5 months onwards) or even the steaming liquid – if you would like to thin out the puree
  • Set aside to cool
  • Freeze in small weaning pods until needed (start with a 60ml size + move onto 120mls as your baby gets older).

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