8 weeks pregnant: Symptoms, tips, and baby development

Zofishan Umair

Zofishan Umair

Zofishan is a journalist, humour columnist, and a mum who has survived nappy explosions mid-air. She has over a decade of experience writing for print and online publications and is currently working on her first book.
Expert reviewed Expert reviewed by Faith Hobson
Updated on Oct 26, 2024 · 10 mins read
8 weeks pregnant: Symptoms, tips, and baby development

You've made it so far! You are 8 weeks pregnant and progressing wonderfully on your pregnancy journey.

Your baby is not just a tiny bean anymore, but a rapidly developing little human. And while you may not be sporting a baby bump just yet, your snug jeans might begin to hint at the changes your body is undergoing.

Perhaps, morning sickness and aches have you feeling less like ‘glowing’ and more like “groaning”— but hey, hang in there! (Around half to two-thirds of mums-in-the-making suffer from nausea during the first trimester. )

If you’re a first-time mama, being 8 weeks pregnant can feel a bit surreal. You’re likely gearing up for your first prenatal visit, fluttering between excitement and nerves. Here’s what this week holds for you and your growing baby.

Your pregnancy at 8 weeks

“Look Ma, I’m a fetus”

This week, your little one has officially graduated to ‘fetus’ status and is starting to look more human-like—well, if you ignore the tiny tail that’s still hanging around (don’t worry, it’ll be gone soon)

And while the head is still disproportionately large in comparison to the body, your little bub looks more human-like than ever.

Your baby’s fingers and toes are making their grand entrance, though they’re more like little notched mittens and flippers at this stage. Think of them as tiny, webbed paddles. These webs, like the tail, will eventually disappear.

Even the lower limbs are coming in strong, with those foot buds taking on a more webbed-like paddle shape. The legs are getting stronger and your baby’s arms are now getting into the swing of things—literally—as they’re finally able to flex! With their embryonic tail gone, the baby’s body is transforming from its early embryo C-shape to a straighter, upright appearance.

Now, you might be dying to know if you’re carrying a baby girl or boy, but your offspring plans to keep it secret for a while longer. It’s still too early to tell because the external plumbing, a.k.a external genitals, hasn’t been fully installed yet!

Your baby now has just about everything an adult does: bones, muscles, fingers, toes, and even a button nose that’s cute enough to melt your heart.

Just like you, your baby’s following suit and ticking off items off their checklist:

Tail? Gone.

Nose? Check.

Webbed feet? Working on it!

Pregnancy week fun facts:

  • Your little one is already working on their style—those eyes are starting to pick up some colour, though the jury’s still out on whether they’ll be blue, brown, or something in between.
  • Your baby’s taste buds are developing, gearing up for their debut meal, which will be a Michelin Star meal of… milk.
  • Pick up a raspberry. That’s roughly about the size of your baby right now!
  • Pick up a tennis ball. That’s the size of your uterus!
  • With a daily growth of about a millimetre, it won’t be long before they outgrow their ‘raspberry’ status and move on to bigger and better produce, before emerging as a watermelon or pumpkin.

Week 8 pregnancy symptoms

You’re cruising through the first trimester, and by now, you’re probably feeling more tired than your phone on 1% battery. In fact, there may have been days when you’ve dreamt of snoozing at your desk.

As for the rest of your body and other pregnancy symptoms, well, your waist and your boobs are starting to feel the pregnancy.

Boobs: Sore and doing their best impression of a rapid-growth experiment.

Waist: Thickening ever so slightly. But don’t worry, no one else has noticed the thickening or the slight weight gain—except you! And that’s because you’re staring at your pregnant belly every morning like it’s the Mona Lisa.

Now, let’s talk about the real fun: symptoms at 8 weeks pregnant.

Thanks to those delightful pregnancy hormones, namely hCG, you might be getting up close and personal with morning sickness – because nothing says ‘Good morning!’ like a surprise visit from nausea.

But all these discomforts are just your body’s way of saying, ‘I’m busy creating a whole new human here!’ And in a few weeks, things will get better.

1. Fatigue and pregnancy hormones

At 8 weeks pregnant, fatigue isn’t just common – it’s practically your new best friend, showing up uninvited and overstaying its welcome. That’s because your body is working overtime on the inside and undergoing significant changes to support your baby’s growth while adjusting to the physical and hormonal demands of pregnancy.

So it seems fair to feel drained!

Our tip: Stay active but don’t be a hero – delegate some of those daily tasks. Asking for help and accepting that help from a partner, a friend or a family member will keep you from running on empty.

2. Morning sickness: nausea and vomiting

Ahh, the persistent nausea and vomiting—hallmark signs of morning sickness. Since your stomach is on a roller coaster right now, take advantage of small dietary adjustments and these tricks to find substantial relief.

  • Add ginger to your diet
  • Time your prenatal vitamin intake during meals to help mitigate the symptoms

3. Sore breasts

At 8 weeks pregnant, your breasts can feel like they’re in some boot camp, prepping for milk duty! (again, thanks to hormonal changes.) And while they may look great, they may not feel so great!

The upside? A supportive bra and some TLC can help keep the soreness in check.

4. Heightened sense of smell

You can now pick up every smell within a five-mile radius – including your husband’s gym socks as they rot in the car in the driveway! And the worst smells get top billing, making morning sickness even more of a joyride. Frankly, all you can do is light up some non-toxic scented candles and brave through this one.

5. Pregnancy cramps

At 8 weeks pregnant, your body is making room for your growing baby, which means stretching and adjusting – like yoga for your insides. The result: mild cramping, which is normal. However, if the cramps are painful, contact your healthcare provider.

6. Constipation

Hormone surges also cause havoc on the digestive system, resulting in constipation, a frequent issue that affects about 50% of pregnant women.

To get things moving again, chug water like you’re preparing for a marathon, load up on fibre, and get some exercise – even if it’s just a waddle around the block. If the plumbing remains clogged, talk to your doctor. It may feel like TMI, but your doctor may recommend the best way to keep the line moving!

7.  Weird dreams

Vivid and unusual dreams are common as pregnancy progresses, often reflecting the emotional and psychological adjustments to pregnancy. Blame the hormone surge and the excitement of the baby’s arrival – your brain’s just having some fun with all those emotions!

8.  Spotting

Spotting in the first trimester can be alarming, but it doesn’t always mean trouble. Keep an eye on it and check in with your doctor just to make sure your body isn’t throwing a curveball. It’s all part of the early pregnancy rollercoaster.

9. Food cravings and aversions

Cravings and aversions are prominent among pregnant women and often driven by hormonal shifts. If cravings extend to non-food items (pica) and you find yourself eyeing chalk or dirt, it may be time to see your doctor, as it could indicate a nutritional deficiency.

Remember to drink lots of water, and do some light exercise, like a 30-minute walk daily. These can really help manage early pregnancy symptoms.

8 weeks pregnancy tips

1.   Start your baby registry

It’s time to shop and start a baby registry. From a cosy crib to stacks of diapers, start listing what you’ll need. Consider this your first official shopping spree for your little one!

2.   Eat smart when you can

Your stomach might be playing a yo-yo with your appetite, thanks to pregnancy shifts. Use those rare ‘hungry hours’ to pack in nutrient-rich foods that keep you and your baby healthy—think of it as strategic eating!

Heads up: your digestive system may be far more sensitive now, and you may have symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, and stomach pain.

3.   Protect your skin

Pregnancy can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, potentially worsening any dark patches. Never leave the house without a good SPF and a stylish hat.

4.   Spend time with your partner

Emotional swings can be tough for you and your partner so don’t forget to pencil in some one-on-one time, especially with that first ultrasound coming up. It’s thrilling to finally get a glimpse of your tiny human, but also a bit nerve-wracking as you wait for the all-clear and navigate your way through prenatal appointments and your first prenatal checkup.

Schedule a little couple time either before your scan or after to talk through how you’re both feeling and to mark the occasion. While much of the pregnancy focus is (and should be) on you, make sure to check in with them too – this baby thing is a big deal for them as well, even if their biggest challenge so far has been deciphering your mood swings in the next few months!

While most women have their first ultrasound around 8 weeks, some also get an early ultrasound to measure their baby’s heartbeat, growth, and due date.

5.   Handle headaches gently

At 8 weeks, your body’s hormone levels are on the rise, and your blood volume is increasing—perfect storm for headaches. If a headache strikes, talk to your doctor about swapping common pain relievers for safer options like acetaminophen.

6.   Understand bleeding after intimacy

Light bleeding after intimacy can be startling, but it’s often just your sensitive cervix talking. Unless your doctor advises otherwise, maintaining intimacy during your eighth week can be both safe and beneficial.

7.   Say no to hot tubs

A hot soak sounds great, but during pregnancy, it’s more like a no-no. Stick to warm showers or quick dips—think “splash zone” instead of “lava bath.”

8.   Don’t hold it in

If you need to go, just go! Holding in your urine can increase the risk of UTIs, which are more common during pregnancy. Frequent bathroom visits are your new normal since your uterus expands and squeezes the bladder, so embrace them.

Wrapping it up

Early pregnancy can feel like dodging landmines, but every week brings you closer to meeting your little one. Take your prenatal appointment and your days one at a time—you’ve got this, supermom-to-be!

Prenatal checkUp

While your bub’s checking off items on his list, here’s a simple checklist for you:

  • Start a Baby Registry
  • Start taking the photos: At 8 weeks, you can start taking shots of your pregnant belly and continue until the birth of your baby.


Better Health Channel, Pregnancy – week by week, February 2012

Raising Children, 8 weeks pregnant, November 2023

Pregnancy, Birth and Baby, Pregnancy at week 8, August 2023

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