Everything you need to know about bathtime for babies

Emmy Samtani

Emmy Samtani

Emmy is the founder of Kiindred and mother to 3 little ones. Over the last 4 years, she has worked with some of the most credible experts in the parenting space and is a keen contributor on all things parenthood.
Updated on Jul 09, 2024 · 4 mins read
Everything you need to know about bathtime for babies

Bathtime with a baby is a lot of fun in theory – but the reality can actually be a little overwhelming in the beginning. You’re still getting used to holding them when they’re all snug in their onesies and swaddles – let alone when they’re naked and wet!

So here we break down everything you need to know about bathing babies to make it a lovely experience for you and your little one.

Make sure you’ve got everything on hand and ready to go before you start to undress your little one. Make sure everything you need is within arms reach.

Here’s what you’ll need

  • Baby bath (or bath support if in a big bath)
  • Baby towel
  • Face washer
  • Bath solution of your choice
  • Safe change area or mat
  • Moisturiser or oil
  • A fresh set of clothes laid out and ready to go
  • Nappy

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Skip Hop Moby Recline & Rinse Bath
Skip Hop

Bathtime isn’t essential for babies every day, especially in the early weeks. However, as they grow it can become a key part of their nighttime routine and a nice way to signal the start of the nighttime routine (for you and them).

Tips for bathing newborns

  • For newborns and smaller babies make sure they are in a small baby bath or have an elevated and supportive bath seat.
  • Maintain eye contact and lots of smiles and songs throughout – make it enjoyable for them.
  • You can place a warm cloth or your hand on their chest to stop them from getting cold.
  • Stay with your baby at all times.
  • Babies don’t need to be bathed every single day so if you’re struggling with it or they don’t seem to be enjoying it, give yourself a break and only do it every other day.
  • Make the post-bath time extra special with lots of cuddles, massage and songs.

Everything-you-need-to-know-about-bathtime-for-babies-1-1024x1024Skip Hop Moby Recline & Rinse Bath

Tips for older babies and toddlers

Some babies will love the bath from day 1 and this never changes. Whereas, other babies can go through phases where they will love it – and others where they hate it.

Here are some tips for keeping bathtime fun and a positive experience:

  • Get them to help you run the bath and pick which toys to take in and even tell you what temperature they like. This will help them feel a part of the process and important.
  • Get a non-slip mat for the bottom of the tub so they feel safe
  • Don’t pull the plug while they are in there as it can be scary and the sound can be overwhelming.
  • Try bubble bath and lots of fun bath toys to entice them in.
  • Sing songs and make it quality time connection time with you.
  • Your toddler might like to bring in a doll or toy (that is waterproof) that they can wash.
  • You can get them special bath rinsers or even goggles if they don’t like getting water/soap in their eyes.

If your little one is resisting the bath you can explain to them that if they want to go outside and play and have adventures that they have to get clean at the end of the day.

Some parents swear by a bath every day as part of a night-time routine for winding your baby down for sleep as well as an opportunity for connection. However, some find it a real chore.

If some days you don’t have the energy – or your little one is resisting – just skip it and try again tomorrow.

Newborns really only need to be bathed 2-3 times per week, with a simple ‘top and tail’ enough on the other days. As children grow and start exploring the world and getting ‘dirty’, they might need a proper wash more frequently.

Remember to keep bathtime fun and enjoyable so it becomes a part of their day they look forward to.

This is a paid partnership between Kiindred x Skip Hop.

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