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Posture, pregnancy and your pelvic floor

Kimmy Smith

Kimmy Smith

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Created on Oct 04, 2023 · 1 min read

During pregnancy, the weight of your growing uterus can cause you to exaggerate the lumbar curve in your lower back (lordosis) or to tuck your tailbone under your body to compensate for the growing weight. Your pelvic floor functions optimally when you are standing or sitting with a neutral spine. During pregnancy and the postpartum period, one of the simplest ways to protect your pelvic floor, lower back and core is to stand tall with a neutral spine. Watch this short video for tips on finding a neutral spine during pregnancy. The tips in this video will not only help you to feel strong as your belly grows but also to maintain floor strength and function.

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Your pelvic floor functions optimally when you are standing or sitting with a neutral spine. During pregnancy and the postpartum period, one of the simplest ways to protect your pelvic floor, lower back and core is to stand tall with a neutral spine. Watch this short video for tips on finding a neutral spine during pregnancy. The tips in this video will not only help you to feel strong as your belly grows but also to maintain floor strength and function.

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