The biggest household dangers for newborns

Emmy Samtani

Emmy Samtani

Emmy is the founder of Kiindred and mother to 3 little ones. Over the last 4 years, she has worked with some of the most credible experts in the parenting space and is a keen contributor on all things parenthood.
Updated on Jun 14, 2024 · 3 mins read
The biggest household dangers for newborns

Bringing a baby into the world is one of the most fulfilling and exciting moments in a person’s life. The feeling of bringing them home and beginning this new chapter in your life is indescribable.

However, before you do bring your baby home, it’s important to know what dangers might come from – or be inside of – your home. Here is a list of the things to look out for to keep them safe and happy.


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) can happen while your baby is sleeping and so it’s important to make sure your baby has a safe sleeping space. The recommendation is that your newborn doesn’t sleep in bed with you; they should always lay flat on their back with nothing else in their cot or bassinet. Any soft toys or cushions should be removed for sleeping. Your little one should be sleeping soundly in a secure wrap or swaddle and nothing else – including no beanies or headbands.

For more on safe sleeping, view our Safe Sleep article.


Newborns are at high risk for any and all infections, and any visitors who come over, while sick, could pose serious harm to your baby’s health. Even though it might be uncomfortable, it’s best to tell anyone who wants to meet your precious newborn to wait until all of their symptoms have passed and have had all relevant vaccinations.


It only takes one inch of water for a baby to drown, and so, remaining present at all times during a bath is important. No matter where you bathe your little one; in a sink or bathing basket, make sure to never leave them unattended.


Changing table

Make sure your baby is safe during nappy changes by opting for a table that is secure and sturdy and can hold everything you need. In those early days you could be changing their nappy up to 12 times a day, so keep it stocked with enough nappies and wipes so you never have to leave your baby unattended even for a second.


Safety in the home starts with proper alarm systems. If your smoke detectors are over 10 years old, make sure to replace them. Also, be equipped with a fire extinguisher on each floor of your home for good measure.


With links to cancer, immune problems and general health damage, pesticide use should be limited and kept completely away from areas where the baby will be.

Cleaning products

On the same note, products used to keep your home clean can be linked to cancer, skin damage, lung damage and eye irritation. Try opting for “greener” cleaning options, and always store any cleaning products up high where little ones can’t reach them.

Shampoos, soaps, detergents, etc.

Look for natural and gentle baby products that will not harm their delicate skin. Look for paraben-free, sulphate-free, phthalate-free and fragrance-free products.

It can feel a little overwhelming worrying if your home is safe for your little one, but making sure you are prepared and switching out some of your everyday products for safer alternatives is a great start. Feel comforted knowing you have provided a safe and loving environment to bring your baby home to.

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