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Asthma first aid for babies and children

Sarah Hunstead

Sarah Hunstead

Sarah Hunstead started CPR Kids because as a paediatric nurse knows that what a parent or carer does to help their sick or injured child in the minutes before an ambulance arrives, can directly impact the health outcome of their child. Sarah realised that a little knowledge, and confidence to act, could make all the difference. So Sarah set out to empower every adult to be...
Created on Oct 16, 2023 · 2 mins read

In Australia, 1 in 10 children have asthma – one of the highest rates of childhood asthma in the world. More than just a wheeze, asthma is a chronic condition that causes the breathing tubes (airways) to become inflamed and constricted. This causes difficulty breathing.

It is also important to understand that asthma can range from mild to severe, and can be a life-threatening condition.

This is why it is so important to be confident in administering the first aid for asthma, and you need to always make sure your child’s asthma action plan is up to date and completed by your child’s doctor.

The symptoms of asthma in children vary from child to child, so, make sure you know the symptoms your child has.

Common symptoms of Asthma

The National Asthma Council Australia says that some of the common symptoms include:

  • Wheezing – a continuous, high-pitched sound coming from the chest while breathing
  • Shortness of breath – a feeling of not being able to get enough air
  • A feeling of tightness in the chest
  • Coughing – alongside other symptoms

A child doesn’t need to have all of these symptoms to be diagnosed with asthma (diagnosis takes time, often after multiple wheezy episodes responsive to Ventolin), and, importantly, children having an asthma flare-up will not always have a wheeze, especially if they are very sick.

In an asthma emergency, always follow the National Asthma Council Australia Kids for First Aid for Asthma guide:

1. Sit the child upright

Stay calm, stay with the child and reassure them.

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2. Give 4 separate puffs of a reliever puffer (blue or grey puffer)

  • Use a spacer
  • Give one puff at a time (shake the puffer before each puff), with 4-6 breaths AFTER each puff

3. Wait 4 minutes

If after 4 minutes the child still cannot breathe normally, give 4 more puffs (with 4-6 breaths after each puff).

4. If the child still cannot breathe normally, Call 000 ambulance immediately

Keep giving 4 separate puffs of reliever, with 4-6 breaths after each puff every 4 minutes until the ambulance arrives.

You can download the National Asthma Council Australia Kids for First Aid for Asthma chart here.

If your child is diagnosed with asthma, the most important thing you can do is be confident and prepared to manage an asthma emergency. Know the first aid, ensure their action plan is up to date and always use a spacer device when giving their puffer.

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