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What to Expect 3-6 Weeks



Brought to you by the Kiindred Editors. Our team are committed to researching and writing on all the things we know you will want to know about, at each stage of your pregnancy and parenthood journey.
Created on Oct 11, 2023 · 2 mins read

As your baby comes out of the newborn bubble, you will experience a new alertness. They will now be able to stay awake a little longer after a feed and enjoy gazing at you or even mimicking your facial expressions. Be prepared for lots of face time and cuddles!

Although a ‘Daily Rhythm’ doesn’t typically start until 12 weeks, you will start to see a day and night pattern forming. It is still important to let your baby lead in regards to feeding and sleep, however, there are a few ways that you can start to support your little one based on their needs.

‘Awake’ times are one of these things and something that not everyone knows about. Understanding what your baby’s developmental window of awake time is, means that you can support them by putting them down for sleep when they are neither over nor under tired. This is the key to settling and will make the world of difference as your little one gets older.


  • You may notice your baby staying awake a little longer after their day feeds. Enjoy this extra 10-15 minutes of awake time with your baby.
  • Talk to your baby, they will enjoy the sound of your voice.
  • Your baby will start to enjoy the soft movement of a mobile over their changing area. This is a great way for your baby to develop visual tracking, but can also be a great distraction when changing nappies.
  • You may feel that you’re ready to get out for a little while, try and time this between 2 feeds during the day to ensure your baby isn’t too unsettled.

You may be considering attending your local mother’s group or early childhood centre. This is not only a great way to meet other parents with children of a similar age, but it can also give you an invaluable support network. Don’t underestimate the importance of having a coffee with someone who won’t judge you on conversations that revolve around your baby’s poop.

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