3 at home activities for bonding with your baby

Emmy Samtani

Emmy Samtani

Emmy is the founder of Kiindred and mother to 3 little ones. Over the last 4 years, she has worked with some of the most credible experts in the parenting space and is a keen contributor on all things parenthood.
Updated on Jun 14, 2024 · 2 mins read
3 at home activities for bonding with your baby

When it comes to bonding with your baby, nothing is better than some skin-to-skin, cuddles and gazing into their eyes. Bonding is not only a really nice time to feel connected with your baby, but it’s also crucial for their physical and mental development. As we bond with our little ones, we are actually setting up a safe and secure foundation and environment for them to explore, play and learn.

So, as our little ones start to develop and become more curious about the world around them – it can be great to start bringing in some new bonding activities (while still making lots of time for cuddles of course!).

Whether it’s engaging their creativity, spatial awareness, imagination or motor skills – here are some bonding activities you can do at home with your baby.

Baby aeroplane


Sit with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your baby’s belly on your lower legs and hold onto their torso as you lie back on the ground. Raise them up into the air like an aeroplane.

What you’ll need 

  • Simply each others company


  • Motor skills
  • Emotional bond
  • Spatial awareness

Peek-a-boo teddy


Playing games with your baby is great for bonding as well as their development. Hide your baby’s favourite teddy bear under a sheet and ask where Teddy has gone. Pull the sheets away and say ‘there’s Teddy!’. Watch as their face lights up in delight, and then their curiosity when Teddy disappears.

What you’ll need

  • A furry friend
  • Sheets or a favourite blanket


  • Imagination
  • Creativity

Exploring their toys


We collect so many toys but sometimes forget to take the time to show our baby how to properly use them. Demonstrate a few times and then let them explore on their own. You’ll be so amazed at how fast they get it!

If you give your little ones room to play when it’s safe and practical, it encourages them to use their imagination, make decisions and understand how things work.

What you’ll need

  • Toys


  • Listening
  • Understanding a process, problem-solving
  • Motor skills

As your baby grows, you’ll be constantly amazed at how much they change and develop week to week. Bonding with them over activity time is a great way to feel close to your baby and soak up all these mini-milestones!

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