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Foods and kids during lockdown



Brought to you by the Kiindred Editors. Our team are committed to researching and writing on all the things we know you will want to know about, at each stage of your pregnancy and parenthood journey.
Created on Jan 18, 2024 ·

Food and kids during lockdown with Mandy Sacher 🍎

Has your routine been thrown out as a result of lockdown? Has snacking gone through the roof?

You’re not the only one. Mandy and I were chatting recently about this very fact and decided to bring you an Insta LIVE✨ to help you through all of these challenges.

In this we cover:

🍎 Why the fridge has become the beacon of light in the home
🍎 Finding the balance in meals throughout the day
🍎 Setting realistic expectations
🍎 Why our little one’s focus and behaviour might be the result of their snacks
🍎 How to involve them in the kitchen
🍎 Tips for fussy eating & sensory issues
🍎 Healthy snack hacks
🍎 Answers to your Qs sent in (so relatable!)

And.. we get to hear all about Mandy’s amazing new Boosters!

I think we could both talk for hours and really enjoyed this one. Based on the messages, you all did too!

Thanks for tuning in and be sure to share the love with anyone who might be struggling a little on the food front atm. I know that’s certainly been me!

Thanks Mandy for an awesome chat.

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