Risks of going into early labour…. Here’s what you need to know

Suneera Singh

Suneera Singh

Suneera has done her majors in Psychology along with her Masters in Business Administration. She is an entrepreneur and an avid traveller. With vast knowledge on varied topics she loves sharing her experiences by writing and editing for publishers.
Updated on Oct 17, 2024 · 3 mins read
Risks of going into early labour…. Here’s what you need to know

Baby on the way? We know how excited you must be to meet your little cherub! But hang in there, your pregnancy should ideally last about 40 weeks. If it ends earlier, like say about 37 weeks, it is regarded as going into premature labour. Let’s make sure you are prepared for a situation like this too. Here’s what you need to know about early labour, high risk factors and things you can do to prevent it.

Who Is at major risk?

At times mums try to do everything right and yet land up giving birth early, and at other times mums with high risk factors can reach full term successfully!

Certain risk factors increase the chances of early labour, but a discussion with your healthcare practitioner can help in reducing this possibility. Let’s check the three high risk factors that make it more likely to experience a preterm labour:

  • If you’re having twins, triplets or more
  • If you’ve had a premature baby previously
  • If you have a problem in your uterus or cervix

Ways to prevent early labour

As the famous saying goes, prevention is better than cure; leading a healthy lifestyle always sets you up in the best way possible. Here are a few ways in which you can achieve this:

See your practitioner early and often

Going for a check-up as soon as you know you are pregnant is a must. Attend all prenatal care check-ups, as this helps ensure that your baby and you are doing well.

Eat well and eat often

We know that pregnancy is the time when you can snack for two without guilt! However, make sure you’re getting as many nutrients from the right kinds of food groups like omega-3, calcium, iron and vitamin C to help prevent preterm labour.

Keep track of your health conditions

Medical factors play a huge role in preterm labour as well. Having uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure, gum diseases, being overweight or underweight should be kept under check for a smooth pregnancy.

Quit the vices

Smoking, drinking, and drugs should be a ‘no-go-zone’ at all costs during pregnancy.

Other factors

Facing stress, a sudden fall, exposure to air pollution, radiation and chemicals all contribute to the risk of early labour, which we do not want!

Symptoms To Watch Out For

Listen to what your body is trying to tell you, and immediately notify your physician or midwife if you experience anything apart from normal. Here are some of the signs to keep a watch for:

  • Cramping in the abdomen
  • Lower backache
  • Pressure in your pelvic region
  • Increase in your vaginal discharge
  • Fluid leak or if your water breaks
  • Blood coming from your vagina

Taking good care of yourself and the baby, and knowing the symptoms of early labour can help prepare for this exciting time in your life! With the rapid development in the field of science, timely intervention is all your provider needs to treat you for preterm labour.

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