All the ways cleaning changes when you become a parent

Jessica Bosco

Jessica Bosco

Jessica is a writer, editor and professional wrangler of two boys. Working in women's lifestyle publishing for over 15 years she has written about everything from fashion and beauty to royal weddings and true crime. These days she loves helping parents navigate pregnancy and the early years of raising little ones...
Updated on Sep 04, 2024 · 5 mins read
All the ways cleaning changes when you become a parent

By the time you’re thinking about having kids, you probably consider yourself a bit of a cleaning pro. You’ve got your life and cleaning routine mostly under control — or so you think.

When you have a baby and there’s an explosion of both love and mess, both of which you never thought possible, you realise there are extreme limits of laundry you never knew possible.

Whether you’re a seasoned parent, new to the parenting game, or about to embark on your parenting journey — with the help of Euky Bear, we’ve put together a list of all the ways cleaning can, should, and will change when you become a parent.

These days, most of us are pretty aware of the need for natural products, whether we’re parents or not. But the minute you see those two lines on a pregnancy test, you’ll immediately start to think about everything going in, on, or near your body. You’ll just want to protect that tiny baby inside of you.

Most parents-to-be will make the switch early on during pregnancy, to natural beauty and cleaning products, and ditch those harsh and harmful chemicals.

Tip! It’s never too late to make the switch, so if you haven’t already, have a look at what’s lurking in your cleaning cupboard or under the sink. Next time you need to stock up, opt for natural products.

We love the Euky Bear range of laundry and cleaning products, which are all plant-based and gentle for bubs yet still super-effective at getting the job done.

Laundry 24/7

Laundry is one of those ‘no one warns you about’ parts of parenthood. So we’re here to warn you! Washing all their adorable tiny little onesies before they arrive? How lovely…

Then once they’ve arrived, you’ll find yourself asking, “HOW does one little person suddenly create SO MUCH WASHING??” Every. Single. Day.

Not to mention siblings, husbands, partners… It will feel like you’re doing laundry for the entire neighbourhood, and it will quickly take up residence on your dining table.

Safe to say, you’ll be doing laundry around the clock for the foreseeable future, so you’re going to want to make sure you’ve got an MVP detergent working just as hard as you are — while still caring for your precious baby’s skin, of course.

You’re going to want something that can remove all the milk stains, food stains, (ahem) nappy stains, and of course all those hidden nasties we can’t see such as dust mites.

The Euky Bear baby laundry liquid is infused with 100% Australian Eucalyptus oil. The naturally powered formula is hypoallergenic and proven kind to sensitive skin. With antibacterial Eucalyptus oil, it leaves clothing, bedding, and soft toys clean and fresh — without harsh ingredients.

Sterilising ALL the things

Chances are your baby is going to use a bottle or a dummy at some point, so you’re going to need to sterilise. If your baby is exclusively bottle feeding, you’re going to be sterisiling on the daily, so you’re going to want to set yourself up with a cleaning and sterilising station.

But aside from sterilising, you also have to clean the bottles. The Euky Bear Bottle and Utensil Cleanser is plant-based; it’s gentle yet effective at removing tough milk and formula residue, which can cause odour and bacteria.


Perhaps it was always there and you just never noticed it; perhaps it’s because you’ve never spent quite so much time sitting on the floor before; or perhaps it’s because you’ve gone into fierce mama/papa bear mode and ‘must protect baby at all costs’ that you’re suddenly noticing every little inch of dust and dirt within a 5-mile radius. And let us assure you that stuff is relentless. You dust one day and it comes back the next.

So get yourself a good vacuum, preferable one with a HEPA filter — or heck, splurge on a robo vac if budget allows! — and accept that daily dusting and vacuuming are part of your foreseeable future, or at least while bub is on the floor/in the crawling phase.

Tip: Euky Bear laundry liquid is proven to help remove dust mite allergens in baby’s clothes and bed sheets for added peace of mind, and washing in hot water above 60 degrees will help, too!

More fluids than you ever knew possible…

Yep, who knew tiny babies could create so much mess? Whether it’s that first epic tar-like poo (called meconium), wee, vomit — and that’s just the ones coming out of them — let alone all the fun new things flowing freely out of you. You might have had a weak stomach before baby, but before long, you won’t even bat an eyelid at any number of substances that are flung your way.

Babies are adorable and they make us love harder than we ever thought possible, but the reality is they come with a lot of mess. So get products in your corner that work hard and care for your baby — just as much as you.

Shop the Euky Bear cleaning range


Euky Bear Baby Bottle & Utensil Cleanser


Baby Nursery Cleaner

Euky Bear Baby Nursery Cleaner


Baby Laundry Liquid

Euky Bear Baby Laundry Liquid


This is a paid partnership between Kiindred x Euky Bear.

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