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Can you use hand sanitiser on babies?



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Created on Sep 27, 2023 · 2 mins read

Masks, hand sanitisers, social distancing and COVID-19 have now all become a part of our regular vernacular. To protect yourself from the novel coronavirus, you are recommended to wash your hands with soap or use sanitiser regularly; however, you may be wondering if your baby can use it?

While not toxic if not ingested, hand sanitisers can be deemed a threat for younger children who might not have the understanding that it is not for drinking or consuming. To avoid this, after using sanitiser on them ensure it has completely dried on their hands and always keep it out of reach. Make sure that under no circumstances can they get a hold of the bottle and drink it; this can have severe consequences including vomiting, shortness of breath and sometimes seizures (call 000 or your local ambulance number ASAP if this occurs).

You might prefer to opt for an alcohol-free one, however, these types of sanitisers are often not as effective at killing germs as they just slow down their growth.

Handwashing with soap for at least 20 seconds is always the best better option wherever possible. Another alternative is using ethyl alcohol-based sanitisers which are safer than the Isopropyl ones (although they are more effective at killing germs they are more toxic for your babies). Hand sanitisers that have essential oils should also be avoided for your babies as they can sometimes cause irritation.

Though these are stressful and unprecedented times, your baby’s safety is your number one priority. Ensuring you maintain safe hand sanitiser practices will protect your baby against bacteria, infection and COVID-19.

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