My baby is pulling up to standing… what now?
Around 9-12 months babies will learn to stand up – and this is when the fun begins. Well for them at least… For you, it means another round of baby-proofing and bracing yourself for them to start walking very soon!
When your baby learns to stand they will be delighted in themselves – and so they should be, it’s a huge developmental milestone. It’s also an important step for them to master on their road to walking, as their muscles prepare to support their little body.
Babies typically first reach for the couch or anything else low enough for them to get a good grip on like coffee tables or even your legs. Once your baby gets the hang of standing there will be no stopping them! You’ll need to pay extra attention to them during this phase because they will start pulling up on anything and everything – and reaching things they never had access to before. So do a quick check and make sure anything dangerous is removed, and make sure all furniture is secure and won’t be unstable if they pull up on it.
Now is also a good time to lower their cot because this will be dangerous if they stand and may be able to pull themselves over the side.
How to encourage your baby to stand
- Lots of time playing on all fours encouraging movement.
- Place toys on the couch and encourage them to retrieve them.
- Modelling their movements and exaggerating “up!” as they pull up, and “down!” as they squat down again.
- Lots of positive encouragement and praise.
- Safe play space for them to practice.
Remember not to get hung up on timelines, some babies will stand early and take months before they move to walking, and others may not stand up until much later and then walk sooner. Focus on your baby and what is “normal” for them, provide lots of opportunities for them to play and practice. And as with anything, if you are concerned always speak with your doctor or pediatrician.
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