Where Style and Functionality Meet for Modern Mums and Dads! | Nuna TRIV™ Next



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Updated on Aug 13, 2024 ·

There are two things every new parent needs… coffee, and a great stroller to get you to your coffee in style!

The Nuna TRIV™ Next is the perfect combination of function and fashion.

Its ultra lightweight 8.7kg frame and its simple one-hand fold function make transitioning from home to the car (or the cafe) effortless.

Its large rear-wheels and all-wheel suspension means that not only can you tackle different terrain, it also means that your baby is cruising in comfort and can nap on the go. The 4-position recline, and the option to face the bub in either direction will keep them happy!

While the fashionable and stylish design with luxe Leatherette handlebar and arm bars means the parents are happy too!

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