11 clever ways to hide your morning sickness at work
Emmy Samtani
Emmy Samtani
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If you're one of the lucky ones who doesn't suffer from morning sickness, hiding your bump at work might not be too hard for you! (Beyond a few floaty tops and extra trips to the toilet).
However, if you’re one of the unlucky ones who gets struck down with morning sickness (which, yes, as we know, doesn’t just strike most women in the morning hours!), then it can be stressful to keep your boss and colleagues from finding out before you’re ready to share the news.
We know that trying not to draw attention to your early bump is a challenge, but don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.
Below are a few tried-and-tested tips for morning sickness and keeping your baby’s news under wraps in the office.
1. Keep emergency snacks in your desk
Yep! Whatever it may be for you (dry crackers, muesli bars, fruit, nuts or salt and vinegar chips), keep a sneaky stash of whatever makes you feel less queasy, and when you feel it will trigger nausea – get munching. Often, in the early weeks, the nausea kicks in because you are hungry and then by the time it hits, you can’t stomach anything.
Keep eating little bits to avoid morning sickness, but often – and make them discreet so no one else raids them or catches on to your sudden increase in snacking!
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2. Pretend you’re on a detox
Don’t want to go out for a fancy work lunch or just can’t stomach your regular lunch at your desk? Don’t feel guilty. Tell your co-workers you’re on a detox or cleanse, and tell them that the ginger tea you’re drinking to keep nausea and vomiting at bay is actually some fancy juice cleanse – just make sure you pour it out of the bottle!
The detox excuse can also be a good one for pregnant women to disguise how often you rush to the bathroom because all that water and juice makes you need to pee—a lot!
3. Speaking of lunches…
Don’t feel bad about ditching your healthy homemade lunches if your morning sickness means you just can’t stomach them anymore. If you need a sneaky trip to the local burger joint or a cheese toastie, let yourself indulge a little (but maybe not if you’ve used the aforementioned detox excuse!)
Anything that will help you feel better and get you through the rest of the afternoon, especially when you deal with morning sickness.
4. Avoid the office kitchen around mealtimes
Do you remember the good old days when you loved having a delicious tuna salad with some broccoli for lunch?
They’re long gone as you step into your morning sickness phase. Now that you’re dealing with morning sickness, you leave for the bathroom quicker as you smell tuna salad from others’ lunch boxes. It’s also the perfect time to get out and get some fresh air to avoid ending up in the bathroom.
And if, heaven forbid, you decide to stay a bit longer, you know what to do. Run like the floor is lava! (ok, maybe not run, but you know what we mean, leave that room quickly!)
The morning sickness in the first trimester can hit harder than most. Feeling nauseous is just one of the joys of life… (right!)
5. Avoid work drinks and social gatherings that involve booze
Again, tell them your cleanse won’t allow it – or depending on what time of the year, you could be doing Feb Fast or Dry July. If it’s during the Christmas/New Year period or an event you can’t skip altogether, you can always stick to mocktails, dry ginger ale or soda water in a short glass that will look like a mixed drink.
Or you could always offer to be the designated driver, but then you might be asked to stay until the end and drop people home… You see, it’s a tricky game, but you have to choose what works best for you.
6. Keep a toothbrush/breath fresheners handy
Yep.. because if your morning sickness chains you to the bathroom, you don’t want to vomit all over your colleagues or, even worse, your boss. When these morning sickness symptoms strike, they take no prisoners. Keep things quiet (and fresh) by keeping yourself prepared!
If you forget to take your toothbrush or breath freshener that day, try drinking water or green tea. Unfortunately, both of these options will make you visit the bathroom frequently. Sorry!
7. Need an excuse for all those doctors appointments?
Well, you can just say doctor’s appointment and not have to explain, but if you’d rather avoid the suspicion altogether, a good alternative is the dentist—and then subsequent appointments are for fillings/crowns/extractions, etc.
Everyone hates the dentist, so no one is likely to question you about it; rather, just feel sorry for yourself! The exciting news can wait a few more weeks…
8. Try to get as much R&R you can when you’re not in the office
You’ll probably feel more tired than ever, and while a nap under your desk might seem like a good idea for a second, it probably doesn’t send the best impression.
One of the best ways to rewind and recharge on the weekends might be sacrificing some late nights and going to bed early. So, it’s time to leave the life of pulling all-nighters and binging on your favourite TV series behind.
Yes, it’s not easy, but let’s be honest; you also need to boost your energy levels to keep up appearances at the office while carrying your little one!
9. Stop logging that overtime!
We know it’s easier said than done in some jobs, but try to dial it back where possible. Say you’ve got a relative from out of town, or you’ve been feeling under the weather and get that sick leave you’ve been planning for a while.
Experiencing morning sickness during pregnancy can be hard, so don’t be afraid to keep that baby bump rested.
10. High heels and tight dresses out, loose clothes and comfortable shoes in!
Depending on your work environment, a few simple changes, like loose tops and floaty dresses, can help disguise a little thickening around the midsection—and can also help hide if you have to pop the top button on your pants!
Also, avoid clothes that will become uncomfortable as the day goes on. Listen to your body and ditch the belts, tight pants, and form-fitting pencil skirts where you can—comfort is key!
Unfortunately, it’s also time to say goodbye to one of your loyal companions of formal appeal, which might have been part of your usual job apparel: your high heels. Now that you’re in your first trimester, it’s better to wear comfortable shoes to ease swelling and let your feet feel a bit better.
Now we get it. Hiding your pregnant belly can be difficult, but just remember: the right clothes and shoes are your best friend. Don’t worry, though. With some minor wardrobe updates, you can keep your growing bump a secret and avoid more attention.
11. If you’re really struggling, consider telling your boss…
…Or at least talk to your work-wife, trustworthy confidant or someone from the HR department. Sometimes, the stress of trying to hide the pregnancy symptoms can be worse than the pregnancy itself and end up doing more harm than good.
So, obviously, depending on your own employer, workplace and situation, telling work before the 12-week mark might make more sense. They legally can’t act on pregnancy discrimination, and you might just find they’re super supportive and can help you manage the morning sickness more easily.
Communicating with your employer
When you decide to open up about your morning sickness and talk about it at your workplace, it’s also an excellent time to discuss your parental leave and maternity leave with your employer. Don’t think you have time to discuss these issues until your second trimester, third trimester, or even due date!
For working parents, it’s essential to have a talk with your employer about your rights early on. And leaving things at the last minute during pregnancy is not the wisest move (as tempting as it may be).
Know your legal rights and protections
While having a lot on your mind -worrying about your unborn child and their future childcare situation- you might get lost in all these details. But pause for a second and breathe. Because you still have time to meet your little one (we know you can’t wait!), and as you continue working as a pregnant woman, you also have to consider your legal rights and protections.
Understanding your rights might come in handy if there’s any pregnancy discrimination in the workplace. You can refer to tools, checklists, and articles on the Fair Work Ombudsman website to stay up to date with your rights.
Here’s a fact sheet on parental leave and related rights, so you don’t have to search for it yourself.
Wrapping it up
Yes, it’s true that hiding your morning sickness -whether it’s nausea, vomiting, or insatiable food cravings- is a full-time job on top of your actual job. So, sit back and pat yourself for juggling two full-time jobs. You’re doing a terrific job; you’re a natural-born mum!
Don’t forget that most pregnant women experience morning sickness at work in their first trimester – so, you’re not alone in this journey!
Whilst there are plenty (legitimate) reasons you might want to hide pregnancy symptoms at work (like morning sickness) know that you shouldn’t have to, because you shouldn’t be treated differently. Your work should support this exciting chapter, so read up on your rights and back yourself.
Fair Work ombudsman, Entitlements while pregnant
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Emmy Samtani
Follow +Emmy is the founder of Kiindred and mother to 3 little ones. Over the last 4 years, she has worked with some of the most credible experts in the parenting space and is a keen contributor on all things parenthood.