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The Summer vs. Winter Baby



Brought to you by the Kiindred Editors. Our team are committed to researching and writing on all the things we know you will want to know about, at each stage of your pregnancy and parenthood journey.
Created on Sep 21, 2023 · 5 mins read

When you finally decide it’s time to put away the contraception and start trying for a baby there are suddenly SO many things to think about. Getting fit and healthy, tracking your ovulation and cycles, getting your finances in order – the list goes on…

But something we often overlook is that when you do actually fall pregnant – there are still nine whole months until you will be holding that baby in your arms. So while we often think about when we’re ready to start trying, it can be worth thinking about what will it be like when the baby is due, all those months later, so you can be prepared.

Of course, all babies are a blessing, no matter when they are born but if you are a planner and always envisioned what having a newborn would look like – then here’s a few things to keep in mind with expectation vs. reality

The Summer Baby


  • Summer weather makes getting out of the house seem much more appealing in those early days
  • It helps motivate you to walk more and slowly get back into some exercise
  • If you have a baby who doesn’t sleep well, walking in the pram can help them to fall asleep
  • In general, getting out and about seems much more appealing in the warmer months
  • There are more free activities that you can enjoy in summer, which are easy on the hip pocket
  • There are less germs around, than when it is flu season and people are coughing and sneezing around your precious little one
  • Your partner will possibly get a few weeks off work over Christmas/New Years to help out more with your newborn
  • Your kids are more likely to be guaranteed good weather on their birthday, which makes throwing birthday parties and celebrations a little easier to plan
  • Sunshine helps increase Vitamin D levels for both you and bub and is also important during pregnancy
  • Getting out in the fresh air and sunshine can be good for your mental wellbeing as a new mum, rather than being cooped up inside for hours on end



  • Babies don’t tend to like the heat, as their bodies can’t regulate their temperature. You may end up spending half of Summer inside in air-conditioning instead
  • Babies can overheat easily which can be dangerous – and not to mention scary!
  • Keeping baby cool enough can be stressful
  • Beach and baby is a good idea in theory but packing for a trip to the beach suddenly becomes like packing for a weekend away
  • Summer babies can sometimes be harder to get to sleep due to being exposed to greater amounts of sunlight in those early days – meaning they can be harder to settle and stay up later
  • There can be so much on with friends and family in the summer months that you feel compelled to attend every party/bbq. Not only does this expose your newborn to more germs but you can feel exhausted yourself
  • Skin on skin bonding time can make you both sweaty and uncomfortable
  • You worry constantly they’re getting enough fluids or are dehydrated – although you’ll probably do this regardless
  • Baby may want to feed more often to get extra fluids and hydration – which can be exhausting for youbaby holding teddy bear

The Winter Baby

While being pregnant through summer can be gruelling, you’re fat, you’re tired and you’re sweating profusely. But the pro of then giving birth in the cooler months is that you can just bunker down, get cosy with your newborn and navigate those first few crazy months from the comfort and warmth of your home. In saying that, there are still a few draw backs to those chilly winter months too…


  • Cosying up for cuddles on the couch with a newborn – is there anything better?
  • All those adorable newborn onesies that make them look like a snowball
  • According to a study winter babies are more successful
  • You don’t have to hit the beach in a bikini right after giving birth, so you can give yourself time to feel comfortable again
  • You’re basically hungry ALL THE TIME when breastfeeding and there’s nothing better than comfort food in winter
  • There will be less plans and commitments in winter that you feel compelled to attend with your newborn
  • And with flu season you have more of an excuse to get out of plans by not wanting to expose your newborn to germs
  • Being heavily pregnant in the cooler months is easier than dealing with the heat of summer
  • No humidity
  • You can hide your baby body under layers until you are feeling better
  • By the time summer does roll around you aren’t pregnant anymore, so you can enjoy fresh seafood and champagne again
  • You can enjoy summer in a few months time once you’ve found your groove and are ready to face the world



  • Layers layers layers – knowing how many layers to put on your bub and then stressing whether they’re overheating can be difficult – ok this will happen whether its summer or winter
  • There are more layers to change when a dreaded poo explosion strikes
  • Trying to breastfeed with all those layers on yourself can be tricky – let alone trying to do it in public
  • Middle of the night feeds can seem extra cruel when the mercury is so low
  • Being stuck inside due to poor weather can be bad for your mental wellbeing
  • The electricity bill can go up due to the heating and clothes dryer being in constant use
  • And that’s if you have a clothes drying – getting your washing dry without one in winter can be tough
  • Cooler months tend to be less motivating when it comes to getting back into exercise

So while we can have the best intentions and try to plan our lives, the fertility rollercoaster, really is a roll of the dice situation and you can’t truly know when you’ll fall pregnant. So despite the best intentions of planning your due date, when you’ve finally got that baby in your hands, nothing else matters. Those first few months will be bloody tough no matter what the temperature is outside!

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