The importance of maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy

Mandy Sacher

Mandy Sacher

Child nutrition expert and mother of two, Mandy Sacher, is a Paediatric Nutritionist and SOS Feeding Consultant. Her private practice focuses on prenatal and childhood nutrition, helping parents and mums-to-be feed their children healthy, nourishing foods right from the start. Mandy’s philosophy is simple: train children’s taste buds to enjoy nourishing, nutritionally...
Updated on Oct 17, 2024 · 2 mins read
The importance of maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy

These days we all know the importance of eating a healthy diet. From fitness influencers to dieticians, it’s obvious that eating well and exercising is the way to better health, and especially when you’re pregnant. The food and lifestyle choices you make before conception and during pregnancy set the foundation of your baby’s health, growth and ongoing development. Getting adequate nutrients is essential while keeping yourself as healthy as possible.

How can I maintain a healthy lifestyle?

The key is to follow a healthy and well-balanced diet filled with:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables in lots of different colours – perfect for those #fitspo Instagram stories!
  • Good quality protein-rich foods such as fish, chicken, red meat, eggs, legumes and tofu.
  • High fibre foods are beneficial for gut bacteria and supporting gut and digestive health.
  • Good quality essential fatty acids like cold-pressed oils, nuts, seeds, avocado and oily fish.

What about vitamins/nutrients?

Getting adequate nutrients throughout your pregnancy is essential. Mineral deficiencies are common in Australia and many women often fall below the recommended daily amounts.

Here are some of the key nutrients to keep an eye on during pregnancy:

  • Folate
  • Iodine
  • Lutein & Choline
  • Omega-3 essential fatty acids
  • Vitamin D and vitamin K2
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Probiotics

Ask your doctor about the best ways you can maintain healthy levels of these according to your own needs and medical history. At the end of the day, finding the right balance for you is important. Your baby is completely reliant on your good choices, so that gives it the extra motivation you need. Enjoy treats in moderation, but try your best to keep veggies, fruits, and proteins in all of your meals.

Ultimately, having a healthy and happy pregnancy may also include things like:

  • Healthy weight management
  • Stress management
  • Detoxification management

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