The dreaded afternoon witching period

Claire Aristides

Claire Aristides

Claire Aristides is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Coach, Speaker and founder of the Mindology app. After completing a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Claire entered the business world working in IT, then launching successful fine jewellery brand Aristides Fine Jewels. Hypnosis has had a significant impact in both the business and personal aspect of Claire’s life and it is...
Updated on Jun 14, 2024 · 1 min read
The dreaded afternoon witching period

There’s a six-year gap between my two children so when my second one came along I’d forgotten about the witching hour. Mother nature had cleverly given me amnesia so I couldn’t remember, and it took me a while second time around to register what was happening (first time around with my son I probably just didn’t have a clue what was going on!)

The penny finally dropped as I realised there seemed to be crying and unsettledness at pretty much the same time each day like clockwork.

My daughter’s little crying sounds seemed to just yank at my heartstrings.  Physically I would feel a pull and my stomach would be churning.  There is nothing more powerful in the universe than one of your children crying.  So it’s fair to say, that this witching hour(s) can be exhausting both emotionally and mentally.  And every day can be different but the same… if you know what I mean.

It can be an overwhelming time, do seek expert guidance and help on getting a routine together with feeding and sleeping bubba, and remember these little ones change so fast!

Here is an audio to help top you up with some inner calmness and inner strength, a great one post witching hour to de-stress and calm your nerves.

p.s. At age 8 and age 2 my kids still experience a whinging witching hour at around 5 to 7pm… food often helps! So regardless of their age, this is a great audio to listen to.

Meditation: Afternoon time

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