Sarah Hunstead

Sarah Hunstead

Sarah Hunstead started CPR Kids because as a paediatric nurse knows that what a parent or carer does to help their sick or injured child in the minutes before an ambulance arrives, can directly impact the health outcome of their child.Sarah realised that a little knowledge, and confidence to act, could make all the difference. So Sarah set out to empower every adult to be able to respond in an emergency, and know they have done everything they could do in the moment.Today, a team of over 20 paediatric nurses help Sarah on this mission. We have now held thousands of classes, and receive calls and messages every week saying that our classes have helped make a difference in the lives of families around Australia.

Articles written by Sarah

Croup cough in children: all you need to know
Health & Safety
Croup cough in children: all you need to know
Any parent who has been woken up in the middle of the night to the sound of their child coughing so bad it sounds like a barking seal will know just how terrifying an ordeal it is. It’s heartbreaking to see our tiny babes so sick and as the chilly winter months press on, croup is, unfortunately, a very common illness. Hearing a barking cough in kids can often cause us to panic, but the...
Impetigo: Everything you need to know about the bacterial skin infection
Health & Safety
Impetigo: Everything you need to know about the bacterial skin infection
As any parent knows, their child’s skin is one of their most precious commodities and can be prone to a whole host of infections and irritations in the early years.
Understanding your child’s fevers
Health & Safety
Understanding your child’s fevers
Fever is incredibly common in children. Having an understanding of why children (and adults) can develop a fever is important. There are many myths about fever, the number one being that a fever is the actual illness.
Understanding your child’s fevers
Health & Safety
Understanding your child’s fevers
Fever is incredibly common in children. Having an understanding of why children (and adults) can develop a fever is important. There are many myths about fever, the number one being that a fever is the actual illness.
Button batteries – do you know the dangers?
Health & Safety
Button batteries – do you know the dangers?
“Inside the battery compartment of mini remote controls, small calculators, watches, remote keyless entry, flameless candles, singing greeting cards and other electronics, maybe a very powerful coin-sized button battery. When swallowed, these batteries can get stuck in the throat and cause severe burns. Small children often have easy access to these devices, and many parents do not know there...
Anaphylaxis and allergy
Anaphylaxis and allergy
Having a child diagnosed with a potentially severe allergy can be scary. It is important however to understand that you’re not alone and there are some great resources and support available.