Jaimie Bloch

Jaimie Bloch

Jaimie Bloch is a leading child and family Clinical Psychologist and the Director of MindMovers Psychology. Jaimie uses her flair for creativity to encompass both holistic and evidence-based approaches that are simple to understand, practical and easily implemented.

Jaimie is an expert in developing programs and psychological materials for schools, corporations, online courses and in-person group and individual workshops. Through her experience with private consultancy over the last 13 years, she has developed a deep passion for creating frameworks and tools to support empowering not just children, but parents and the whole family system.

MindMovers Psychology was founded in 2015 by Jaimie Bloch, created based on the ideology that we change together rather than in isolation. She has supported thousands of families to navigate the challenges and the balancing act of raising a child and keeping a connected supportive home environment in the modern world.

"My philosophy is that knowledge is power. I believe that the knowledge we can learn and gather about ourselves, our brains and others can empower us to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives. My belief is that Minds Move Better Together and that with the support of a guiding light, whether that be through a mentor, coach or information, we can feel more connected and enlightened, and ultimately empowered in our own life journeys."

Outside of Jaimie's clinic work, she enjoys teaching, speaking, researching and writing articles to support parents and families connect back to their own source of joy through awareness, understanding and empathy. Jaimie melds western psychology, philosophy and neuroscience that is both palatable and enjoyable to engage with and understand.  

Articles written by Jaimie

5 ways to help your child have a healthy relationship with their mental health
5 ways to help your child have a healthy relationship with their mental health
We’re so lucky we live in a time where we not only understand the importance of mental health but that it’s also something we are more open with and comfortable talking about.
How to be sensitive around Mother’s Day for those who find it tough
How to be sensitive around Mother’s Day for those who find it tough
As May rolls around each year, millions of people will rush to buy gifts, cards and flowers for the mother figures in their lives. They will spend May 14 spoiling said mother figures – with lunches, phone calls and other meaningful gestures that show the women who have guided them just how much they are appreciated.
3 things you need to know about concentration in little ones…
3 things you need to know about concentration in little ones…
As parents, we can understand and appreciate the value of concentration when it comes to our own day-to-day lives. Hence why many of us can’t stomach the idea of sending an email or attending a meeting before our precious morning coffee. However, you might be wondering how – and when – do our little ones develop the ability to concentrate? We chatted with Child Psychologist and founder...
Re-framing ‘time-out’ to ‘time-in’ with your child
Re-framing ‘time-out’ to ‘time-in’ with your child
It can be hard to find an effective discipline strategy with our children that will work. Time-out is often the recommended solution. While time-out can be effective in reducing the conflict in the moment, the message it sends our kids long-term is that we will not be with them when they are in the darkest of their thoughts and emotions. It’s crucial to remember that emotional regulation...
Understanding the 5 love languages and how to apply them
Understanding the 5 love languages and how to apply them
It is important to know and speak your child’s ‘Love Language’. This helps strengthen parent/child bonds and is a good way to model healthy interpersonal communication with your child. When children learn that there are different ways to feel loved and connected to, as well as how to love and connect with others, you support their emotional health and wellbeing and the development of...
How to manage toddler anxiety: 3 tips to support your child
How to manage toddler anxiety: 3 tips to support your child
Toddlers can be hard to manage on a regular day, but imagine adding anxiety and fear into the mix and it can make for a stressful day.