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Understanding newborn sleep

Chris Minogue

Chris Minogue

Chris is Australia's leading Mothercraft Nurse, with over 35 years experience working in both public and private hospitals. Chris has worked with thousands of families globally, to support them through all aspects of parenting – from newborn through to toddler years. Chris also specialises in twins, surrogacy and travel, and has worked with some of the biggest...
Created on Oct 10, 2023 · 1 min read

A day in newborn world is the whole 24 hrs. This will mean that sleeping and feeding will be around the clock during these early stages. Understanding your baby’s needs when it comes to sleep and awake times, is the key to settling them for sleep – especially as they get older.

Newborn Sleep

  • A newborn baby will generally sleep anywhere and very well
  • Sleep will come in short bursts of anywhere between 1½ – 3 hours
  • Their awake time will generally be the length of a feed and cuddle
  • Wrapping is an important cue to help your baby sleep, as it will quieten and calm their body

All babies will have an unsettled period each day – find reassurance in knowing that this is perfectly normal and will settle after a few weeks. This will generally occur in the evening, between 2 feeds and can last for a few hours. Cluster feeding and getting rest when you can earlier in the day, will help you get through this time.

It is important to remember that your baby is brand new. Try to take things slowly, get rest when you can, eat regularly and accept all offers of help.

If you want to learn more about your baby’s needs as they change, you can access our video series with Mothercraft Nurse, Chris Minogue.

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