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Teething chart



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Created on Oct 10, 2023 ·

When you have your first child it can be both an exciting and anxious time. It’s natural to worry about what is normal and be particularly concerned about your new addition to the family’s health, and teething is no exception. As a guide, your baby is likely to sprout their first teeth around six months of age.

Sometimes teeth can come through as early as four months, as late as ten months or even after their first birthday. There is no need for alarm if teething starts a little early or a little late, however, if you have concerns, speak to your dentist.

Occasionally, children are born with a tooth already erupted (natal tooth); or a tooth erupts soon after birth (neonatal tooth). If this occurs, you may need some advice from a Paediatric Dentist.

By age three all twenty baby teeth should have come through, and at approximately age six years your child will likely start losing them to make way for their adult (secondary) teeth.

The chart below illustrates the names of each tooth, at what age it is likely to erupt, and at what age they are then likely to be lost.


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