Genevieve Muir

Work with Gen to build a deeper foundation of connection with your child.

Build a deeper foundation of connection…

Without a doubt, the adjustment into parenting for the first time is a huge transition. Having worked with over 10,000 first-time parents through her work at the Mater Hospital – and having 4 kids of her own – Parent Educator and Obstetric Social Worker Genevieve Muir will help you to filter out the noise and tune into your child’s needs. Gen works her magic to inspire you and your little one to thrive from birth to 5 years old with key, actionable strategies to achieve connection and attachment. Connection is always at the core.

Daunted by the task of bringing your newborn home? Or, are you struggling to communicate with your toddler?

Group 2238
Struggling to find answers?

Sifting through all the information out there can leave you feeling even more unsure of what to do!

Group 2237
Overwhelmed with what to do?

Feeling anxious as a parent or unsure how to cope when navigating life with little ones?

Group 2236
Wish you had more confidence?

Wish you had the knowledge and tools to make the right decisions for you and your family?

Meet Genevieve

Meet Genevieve… Your key to connection.

Parent Educator and Obstetric Social Worker at the Mater hospital in Sydney and also a mother to four beautiful boys, Gen is passionate about working with families around connection and attachment with their children from birth to five years.

Gen assists parents to filter out the noise and find the parenting rhythm that works for them. She has a Bachelor of Social work (BSW) at UNSW, is a Circle of Security Facilitator, a Tuning Into Kids Facilitator and has a Grad Dip. in Grief and Bereavement Counselling.

With 13 years on the ground raising four kids Gen understands the challenges parents face first hand and is passionate about helping families adapt to the modern parenting world and all its challenges – to not only survive but thrive.

Group 2273 (2)
Group 2273 (1)

Two Programs

01 Connected baby

Connected Baby – The Complete Series

  • Exclusive access to program series
  • 3 x Key Topics (The First Three Months, Connection In The First Year, The Challenges of Modern Parenting)
  • Downloadable expert guide
  • 7 day money back guarantee

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $99.00. SALE

How will it help

  • The first twelve weeks of parenting. Everything you need to know about sleep, settling, and crying. What’s normal for newborns as they adjust to the world.
  • A deeper dive into crying babies, how much babies cry, how this can make parents feel, what’s normal and how to navigate it.
  • Connection and attachment. What matters in your relationship with your baby in the first 11 months of life.
  • The information overload, how to know what to listen to and how to filter out some of the noise.
  • Your relationships with each other, with family and with yourself as a new parent.
  • ‘The village’ or lack one. How to establish the right support that will assist you in parenting.
  • The importance of taking breaks and self-care.
  • Soothing, swaddling, and a bonus video where Gen shows how to swaddle your baby two different ways.

Bonus Guidance & Support

Bonus Module
Swaddling your baby two ways. When parents first have a baby they get told to swaddle them to help them soothe. While most people get shown how to do this in hospital it can take some time to get the hang of! These videos can be used when you need it most.
Bonus Module
Tapping out and self care As parents you are the captains of the ship. You are much better for your baby when you take breaks. In this module Gen runs though her top tips for tapping out and self care.

02 Connected families

Connected Families – The Complete Series

  • ︎Exclusive access to program series
  • 3 x Key Topics (Connection, Boundaries, Feeling All The Feelings)
  • 2x bonus modules on self care and that magic first hello.
  • Downloadable expert guide
  • 7 day money back guarantee

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $99.00. SALE

How will it help

  •  How do I make sure my older child feels connected with me as they adjust to the baby?
  • I want my older children and baby to be be friends. How do I help their relationship to get off to a great start?
  • My older child is very attached to one parent. We are wondering how to navigate this and a new baby?
  • How do I set up that first meeting for success? What helps my older child in these first moments?
  • How do I juggle two kids and manage any changes in behaviour that arise?
  • What do I do if I notice a change in behaviour in my older child in the lead up to or following the birth?
  • My child is preferring one parent over the other, what do we do about this?
  • I’ll be having a c-section, and my older child still wants to be carried all the time, how do I explain that I can’t pick her up?
  • Do I move my older child out of the cot before the baby comes?
  • What are the pitfalls to watch out for?

Bonus Guidance & Support

Bonus Module
One of the most commonly asked question Gen gets is how to create the perfect introduction between your older children and a new baby. In this bonus module Gen covers exactly what to do to make sure this moment goes smoothly.
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We are confident you will find value in our series, but if you disagree - we will provide you with a 7 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!*

*We do ask that you make the effort to complete at least 70% of the series.

“In times of transition kids need to feel connected. It is human to struggle with transitions but no one on earth struggles more than our gorgeous toddlers.”

“Oh my goodness I wish I had found you before now!!!! Thank you so much for giving me the tools to tap into exactly what my son Ollie needed as he adjusted to his baby sister. I’m not saying every day has gone smoothly, but the difference is in our confidence, particularly knowing he needed us to be confident with boundaries and welcome any big feelings.”


“I remember crying after listening to you talk because your words really were so touching and empathetic. Going through lockdown and returning home to a toddler with a newborn, you really helped guide me at a time when I was feeling lost and weak.”


"I remember crying after listening to you talk because your words really were so touching and empathetic. Going through lockdown and returning home to a toddler with a newborn, you really helped guide me at a time when I was feeling lost and weak."


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